Sunday, August 14, 2011

Contemplating My Very Existence

It has a way of walking in
Love, sometimes blind
But never deaf
As it slithers swiftly through 
the very cracks
It feels right at times
And sometimes it feels just wrong
For me to be so onward!

Love, you have a face that only I recognize
When I myself love
When I myself live
The small ticking of my heart has a way
Of making music to yours
I feel more love in my love
Because I listen,
You lighting with your breath my candle
It does light up the orbit, the world
My very existence resonates

They see me, and see what goddess you turned me into
You with your very brush, take me
for who I am, never mistaking me for a flower
but always giving me water to live
Eagerly you help me contemplate my very existence
Love, you walk in to what love I have
And for that very reason... It lives!

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