Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Never Empty

There is but a start to a feeling and then
It leaves your body only to return
So you can feel it…
Because without a stop there isn’t a go
There is a beginning-
There is but a start
And in renewing; life becomes adventure
Life is a venture into the wild
And why know tomorrow when today is bare
And this moment, still here, hasn’t even left you
You are never empty; you just don’t want to be full
Because… it is the act of filling that makes life worth living
The doing
The being
The living
The beginning to the beginning
Of feeling – eternal newness into how the word began
Deep in you, a start to what life was always meant to be:
Never Empty.


  1. "Life is a venture into the wild" -I love that. I love it all. thank you.

  2. Every serious acting student should carry this poem with them at all times.
