Wednesday, June 15, 2011

This Was Yesterday

The girl with her curls (beautiful fro)
Runs down the street with a ripe banana

The woman's legs are quite nice
But her shoes seems to be ruining her posture...

The mother sits there fixing her daughters hair - 
she pulls it back tightly and pins it... somewhat indelicately

She is lost, clutching a paper and she asks: 
where is ninth avenue, where is ninth avenue? 

A mother stands up, ready to leave with her son- 
he looks like he suffered a terrible injury... 
the left side of his cheek is covered in stitches. 
And I wonder: why does this happen?

A man's legs the size of his neighbor?

A ragged looking woman could be a very important person.

A man called Spike Lee strollin' into Starbucks.

A one arm man sitting in the train-
He looked empty... his eyes.

The rain is in my eyes!

And a long day full of adventure.... it ends now. 

This was Tuesday- yesterday. 

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